Boathouse Showdown |
September 11 2012
Flairco & Dirty Girl Flair
Boathouse Showdown
Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club Ludlow (United States)
Level (1x)
Cash & Prizes
The Boathouse Showdown will take place on Tuesday, September 11th at the Ludlow Bromley Yacht Club in Ludlow, KY (just outside of Cincinnati).
This competition will focus on bad ass flair, with no working flair cocktail, lots of points for big moves and very low deductions.
There's a total of $2500.00 to be won, including a pair of specialty prizes worth $200.00 each. The first is the "Filthy" Award, for the biggest, baddest move, as chosen by the finalist competitors themselves.
There is also the Bud Light Specialty Award for the most creative opening and / or serving of the Bud Light, also chosen by the finalist competitors.
The qualifying round starts at 2pm, with the top 8 moving on to the finals at 9pm.
Please contact Thomas Ivey at rock-o@dirtygirlflair.com.
For Questions and Comments please visit the FBA message board
Boathouse Showdown RULES