Wednesday, 19-February-2025 |
Join the 2024 FBA PRO TOUR |
The FBA PRO TOUR is a points chase across the entire year of FBA Pro Tour Events. Competitors earn points at each event based on a multitude of factors. The most important factor being how well they did at the event. Competitors gain points from each competition no matter how well or poorly they place. The only points that count toward the PRO TOUR however are those earned in the OPEN division and PRO division of a competition. Amateur, Advanced, and Tandem points will not be calculated into the PRO TOUR standings for any competitor.
For 2024 there will be one tour. The FBA PRO TOUR World, which will include events from America and the rest of the world. The tour will have their own prizes, trophies, and champions. The competitor from the tour with the most points will have an additional title of GLOBAL CHAMPION.
The PRO TOUR Champions will be announced after the last event of the year, but the awards ceremony will be held at the annual FBA Awards during a new event we are creating.
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