Ed "Deuce" Hibbert
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Your News Wednesday, 17-July-2024

Ed "Deuce" Hibbert

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James Allison
As many of you may know, Edward “Deuce” Hibbert passed away this week. This news was an absolute shock to every single person that knew him. As you will read in many of the posts below and in the message board, Ed was looked up to by many as a leader in the industry not only for his accomplishments in flair competitions, but also as a business man, professional bartender, and the very definition of a GOOD Friend. 
Please take a few moments to write a few words about Ed if you knew him and post any pictures you may have to the Gallery named “Ed Hibbert”.
Much Love Deuce. Your impact on the sport of Flair Bartending is etched in stone and you will eternally be missed.

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Our world just got a little quieter today, and heaven just got a little brighter. Ed Hibbert has died I am so incredibly sad to report; I don't know that I am the person to get into details but I just wanted to tell you Ed here in a place that you will be missed greatly: I love you, I will miss you and I will cherish the memories of all the times we got to spend together over the years. You are a great bartender, a good friend, and one funny s.o.b. I'll never forget your round at Nations at Bikini's when you almost took my head off with your very scary 4/5/6 tin move. Whack-a-mole, Whack-a-mole indeed my friend. My thoughts are with your dear friends and your family now. My they find peace and comfort in knowing how many people loved you and how many people you made smile in your life here. Be at peace, brother. Tobin

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My thoughts and prayers go out to friends and family. I never met Ed but I watched the 2002 quest footage in it's entirety and he seemed liked a guy anyone of us could be great friends with after just one day of meeting him. His specialty round that year was classic when he impersonated christian. Wish i was there to see it. RIP

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I don't know what to say other than the flair bartending world and the world itself just lost one of the best competitors and one of the best guys ever!!! I met Ed at Legends 4 or 5 and I also had the honor of working with him a couple times here in Las Vegas, great guy, great person!! My condolence to his family and friends. RIP Ed.

[Edited by OPEREZ on 08/30/09 08:43 PM]

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I don't know where to begin.....Ed was one my favorite people in the world. I was lucky to be his friend and get to spend a considerable amount of time with him. For one year of my life I spent more time with Ed Hibbert than I did my own family. We competed in Florida Chicago, Milwaukee, Houston, Vegas, Fargo....yeah Fargo! Ed always joked about going to Fargo! Those competitions were great mainly because of the time I spent with friends, mainly Ed. Ed joked about me always having the upper hand on him in competitions but I looked up to him for advice on so many levels. Ed wasn't just an amazing flair bartender....Ed was a great businessman, teacher, motivator and friend. Seriously one of the funniest people I've ever known. I learned so many important things from Ed, but the dude wouldn't show me how to do the 5 tin trick! (It's ok buddy, you can take that one with you). Ed's nickname was Deuce, but I can tell you, he was second to none! Ed, I love you and miss you and I will never forget you! p.s. This is a little reminder to me to be sure to tell people close to you, how much they mean to you everyday!

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I am very sorry to hear about Ed Hibbert passing away. I got the chance to meet him once, very briefly, and he seemed like a really good person. My condolences go out to his family and friends. I also want express my gratitude towards Ed. Without competitive flair bartenders like him, the world of flair would weigh less in today's society. Thank you Ed. Moe Isaza Syko10derS

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I was lucky enough to be one of the people that Ed hired down in Florida at the LA Hangout. Not only was he a great flair bartender but he was a great boss and a great friend all a round just a great man that you wanted to be around. Ed was one of the funnest people you could ever meet that has probably been listed several times but its for a reason I promise. I will miss him greatly he has taught me things about work about life and about business. I guess one of the greatest stories I have is when Ed got us box seats for the Eagles Bucs game in Tampa when Matt Bryant kicked that 62 yard field goal to when the game. We were hammered and Ed was running his mouth the hole game but guess who got to dance on the table in the box. I Love You Ed may you rest in peace.

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I am truly shocked by the news. I had the pleasure of knowing Ed on so many levels. A true friend, bartender, a buisnesman, and one of the funniest, and genuine man you will ever meet. My thoughts and prayers are with him, his family, and his friends.. A tremndous loss Rest in Peace my friend

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Truly a great loss. I had both the pleasure of competing alongside Ed and judging with Ed at many events. He was a good friend and someone we all admired. I will miss you buddy. Rest in peace Deuce! Greco

[Edited by SGreco on 08/31/09 11:13 AM]

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I was sitting counting my tips lastnight when some of the worst news I've heard in a very long time reached me. Ed Hibbert is no longer with us. I totally lost focus and threw my tips in a bucket and said screw it. Not sure if I'll ever count it, lol. Honestly not someone I got a chance to meet more then a handfull of times. Yes, was always funny and cordial and could always drink with the best of us. But, truely someone I looked upto and admired. The running joke around here, is I came in second all the time in local comps. So, I was the local vic press, lol. What I will always remember about Ed, is he was one of the first of "US" to open and run a successfull bar and was kind enough to document there every move in flairbar.com. Alot of those articles are drilled into my head. The first time I met Ed Hibbert, was at Pinnicle. My buddy Joe was wasted. Ed introduced himself to Joe. He said, "Hi my names is Ed." Joe looked at him with a puzzled look and said, "Yeh, I know" and walked off to puke somewhere. Honestly humble, Professional, a class act, a cometitor, a vissionary. Someone that you could say to yourself, "Wow, I just met Ed Hibbert" with in the first few minutes you met him. Heres to you, Mr. Vic President. Thank you. I am proud to say, "Wow, I met Ed Hibbert."

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It’s taken me almost a whole day to try and put into words everything that comes to mind in remembering Ed. There are just so many stories and memories. Even now, I don’t think anything I write could really do justice to his memory. Ed had a profound effect on the world of flair. He was one of the funniest and honestly genuine bartenders that I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing and will be greatly missed. Goodbye my friend.

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I am still in shock. I don't know what to say other than the flair world was a better place because Ed "Deuce" Hibbert was in it!! He always made the events better. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to travel the world with Ed. We shared the stage many a day. We had so many laughs together. This is truly a sad day. I remember the first time I met Ed. He came to my bar at the Voodoo Lounge and introduced himself. He said he was new to flair, but he was practicing hard and that he wanted to compete in Legends. Eight months later, Ed took 2nd place in his very first Legends. Second seemed to be the place he always took, earning him the name "Deuce". Ed had a way about him that just brightened a room. His sense of humor was hilarious. I will never forget the specialty round he did when he dressed up like Christian Delpech and in the middle of his round he took off his hair and did a swipe through with it!!! The entire building went nuts! Ed you will be missed more than you know. I love you brother. Rest in Peace my friend. Ken

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It was always a pleasure to be in the same room as Ed. One could easily tell he was truly a good person. If you are reading this forum and didn't know Ed, rest assured you had something in common with him. He was a great bartender, an icon of flair and a plain good hearted person. We all have lost one of the best!

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Shocking. Ed was a class act. My condolances to his family and friends. Had the pleasure of meeting him at Legends 3. I have been away from the flair world for many years but Ed was one who made a lasting impression. Cheers Mr. Vice President!

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